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Appleby Gypsy Horse Fair

Mythology, Origins, Evolution



Despite the media attention that Appleby Fair now annually attracts, it has never before been the subject of scholarly research.

Andrew Connell brings to bear the skills of a trained historian and
educator with four decades of personal experience of the Fair and a working knowledge of the
vagaries of local government and politics. His succinct, readable, sometimes witty book examines
the origins of the Fair, disentangling myth and reality. He traces its evolution from drovers’ fair to horse fair, its growing association with Gypsy/Travellers and the way in which it acquired spiritual resonance and worldwide fame. He explores the relationship between Appleby Fair, local
residents and local authority and evaluates its present-day status and significance. There are forewords by Kenneth O. Morgan, one of Britain’s most distinguished historians for the past fifty years, and Katharine Quarmby, international journalist and author of No Place to Call Home: Inside the Real Lives of Gypsies and Travellers.





Publication Date:

2015 May


Paperback; 245 x 174mm




22 B&W Photographs

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