Land of Legend
The Knowes of Arthuret gaze peacefully out across the Solway Moss, towards the Solway Firth beyond and further still to the picturesque hills of Scotland. Today the scene is one of perfect tranquility, but if only it was possible for these mounds of earth to reveal some of their well-guarded secrets, then much would become clearer surrounding those dark mysterious days referred to as the Dark Ages of which little documentary evidence exists.
THese Hills have been associated with at least two great battles, that of Solway Moss un 1542 as well as the mysterious epic of Cumbrian history, the Battle of Ardderyd in 573 A.D. In this book the author looks at Arthuret with its legends and mysteries and considers its strategic location at one of the great passes leading into the untamed regions of Caledonia. He also considers its political, religious and historical contexts.
P3 Publications
Publication Date:
2021 September
Paperback; 210 x 148mm
Black and white photographs