Lost Lanes North
36 glorious bike rides In Northern England
£16.99 -
Adventures of the Yorkshire Shepherdess
£8.99 -
£15.00 -
Wander to Wonder
A Short Walk in Borrowdale
£10.00 -
Hows & Knotts
A guide to Lakeland Views
£20.00 -
A Perfect Friend
The life of Cumbrian plant hunter William Purdom
£18.00 -
The Lake District in 101 Maps and Infographics
£14.90 -
Natural Awakenings
Early Naturalists in Lakeland
£20.00 -
Gone Feral
Wild in the Woods and Fells of the Lake District
£10.00 -
Swimhiking in the Lake District and North East England
£9.99 -
The Sky is as Blue as a Hedge-Sparrow’s Egg
Reading Romany
£12.00 -
Gin, Cake & Rucksacks
A fun-filled tour of Lakeland distillers
£9.99 -
Stories and poems about living in a Lake District valley
£10.00 -
Wordsworth’s Gardens and Flowers
£30.00 -
Challenging Waters
£9.99 -
The Marches
Showing 61–80 of 126 results