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My Next Breath

A Memoir

Jeremy Brenner


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“After about thirty minutes on the ice, that’s when I died.”

Jeremy Renner had a good life. Oscar nominee, Avenger, father to a beautiful daughter. But in January 2023, he became the most Googled person on the planet when he was crushed in an accident. What he learned is that dying is easy. It’s living that’s hard.

“I wasn’t going to die on that ice. I was going to live. I was going to love. No one truly appreciates life like a man who died. This is a toolkit for life after trauma. You will find joy. You will find peace. I was given a set of cheat codes for life that day, and in the days and months of recovery since.”

Before he died. Jeremy Renner had a good life. Now, thanks to the lessons he learned, he has a great one.

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Simon & Schuster



Publication Date:



Hardback; 234 x 153mm



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