Life Class
Memoir of an accidental gallerist
When Chris and Michael Wadsworth move to the Lake District looking for a rural cottage with a view, Chris saw a large Georgian town house and impulsively decided to buy it and make it into an art gallery.
It gave her a life beyond anything she had ever imagined. Few days were without drama: the skinhead on a Ducati, the travelling knob man, and the family of barefooters. Chris would try to appear unruffled before escaping to the ‘futility’ room to do a Munch silent scream.
Although she was inundated by eager artists from the start she had to search out the people she really wanted. Transvestite Percy Kelly was hard to track down; having run away from Cumbria with someone else’s wife, changed his address 5 times and changed his name by deed poll to Roberta. Other fine artists were equally elusive. Nonetheless, she mounted solo shows by Royal Academicians as well as young emerging artists.
Publication Date:
2016 January